ISC 2023 runs between Sunday the 21st and Thursday the 25th of May, and sees the world of HPC descend on Hamburg, Germany, to discuss the latest advances in the field and share latest research. It is a busy week with many different activities going on, and the wider ExCALIBUR...
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Between Tuesday 16th and Friday 19th of May Durham HPC Days was held in the Department of Computer Science at Durham University. A focus session was held on ExCALIBUR and specifically the novel hardware that has been made availble as part of the ExCALIBUR H&ES programme. However, novel hardware is...
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Starting Monday 1st of May, we hosted a week long xDSL/MLIR hackathon that culminated in an MLIR workshop on 9th of May in Edinburgh. The idea of the hackathon was to bring together those who are using, an those who are interested in using, xDSL with xDSL developers to further...
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This week saw xDSL’s Michel Weber give a presentation at the ETH Zurich computer science research lab seminar about the xDSL project. Michel was talking about how, in the past year or so, xDSL has grown into a fully fledged open source compiler infrastructure library that enables programmers to build...
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Last week 2023 got off to a strong, but windy, start with an all week xDSL hackathon held in Edinburgh. With in-person participants from ETH Zurich and Imperial, and online attendees from as far away as Mumbai in India, it was a great opportunity to prioritise the list of tasks...
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This week saw the two day ExCALIBUR workshop held at the Met Office where representatives from across the programme met and discussed project-level updates as well as opportunities for collaboration and interaction during the research. There were some very interesting projects presented, and clearly the programme is doing a fantastic...
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The Platform for Advanced Scientific Computing (PASC) Conference brings together domain scientists, computer scientists, HPC professionals, and vendors to talk about some of the challenges and opportunities we face in HPC. Held annually and located this year in Basel, it will be the first time since 2019 that the conference...
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IRDL is a domain-specific language to define intermediate representations (IRs). This is important because the current state-of-the-art with MLIR is to define a dialect using C++ and MLIR specific constructions which is a complex and time consuming process that required substantial expertise. By contrast IRDL is presented as a set...
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Are you interested in Domain Specific Languages (DSLs), compilers, and HPC? If so then come work at the School of Informatics, University of Edinburgh, where you will be involved revolutionising the compiler stack for DSLs to develop a common, unified, technology built on MLIR and LLVM.
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We are advertising for a fully funded (with nationality restrictions) PhD position at the University of Edinburgh with the student based at EPCC and in collaboration with the School of Informatics.
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Supercomputing is the top HPC conference in the yearly calendar and for 2021 is running in a hybrid mode with both physical and virtual attendance. Therefore it is a fantastic opportunity to hold a session around the consolidation of DSL ecosystems.
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IWOMP is a popular annual conference focussed on parallel programming using OpenMP. It’s success has grown from the fact that there are always numerous interesting and innovative ideas being discussed. A major cornerstone of any conference is the keynote talk which this year was delivered by Paul Kelly, who is...
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We held our project kickoff meeting today to mark the official start of the project and discuss the plan for the next three years. The intention was to set short term project goals and discuss the initial activities that must be undertaken by the team. We are very excited to...
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